segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2012

A Place Inside You

There is a place full of sunsets. The place where you live. 
It is not quiet, with too menu people. It is not an ideal place, but a creative one. A new and exciting place, for you an your music, for you and your eyes, for you and your search for adventure.
There is a place that was mine, once. The place where you live.
It is a sunny and bright place. Fits you like home. A place for you to find a purpose not so far away from home. 

There is a place...
Maybe is the place where i will find the sunrise again.

quarta-feira, outubro 17, 2012

tua chuva

  Até já tinha desligado o computador. Até já tinha feito um turn off ao dia de hoje.
  Mas está a chover. Está a chover tanto que só me apeteceu falar-te, dizer-te que a melhor paisagem de Vila Real está inundada de chuva. As luzes na montanha estão desfocadas pelo nevoeiro. E tudo forma um momento quase mágico!
  Queria que te sentasses aqui comigo. De luz apagada, a ouvir a chuva cair no meu telhado. Queria que não precisássemos de dizer nada, e vivêssemos juntos, também, este momento. Assim tão simples. Assim tão natural.

  Esta cidade ficou também tua, de repente. E é estranho, mas bom. E é estranho, mas saudoso. Nem esta água toda limpa a saudade.

terça-feira, outubro 09, 2012

Autumn Colors

- Autumn is my favorite season!
- Really? Not at all!!
- It's because of the colors... I love this yellow-orange-red, mixed with all the green!
- But, it's so sad with all the rainy, foggy days...

And there i was, sharing with you one of my favorite places, in a Autumn Sunny Day. You are lucky, because you arrived in really good weather. If you would arrive today, you wouldn't like this city, my city. And i'm so lucky that i can show you this little paradise, that i can share with you all the small secrets!
I never guessed that i could be so happy with my decision. Again Chinese Medicine?! But all the doubts are vanished now, because i have i smile on my face when i think about the little group of friends that we made in so little (but intensive) time!
And now i miss classes. Crazy i know... But i connected with the little group. And i really enjoyed those nine days we had!

Today it's raining. I can't go out to see the Autumn colors, and it's sad.
Cristal Park it's not the same with all this fog, and without friends...